

Pilates at a physical therapy office?

Yes—and here’s why: Pilates can boost your strength, core control, flexibility and more. In other words, it’s an excellent complement to pelvic floor physical therapy. 

Developed by physical trainer Joseph Pilates in the 1920s for rehabilitation purposes, Pilates is known to improve pelvic stability, extend spine health, facilitate a mind-body connection and promote ease with the functional movements you use throughout the day. (Like reducing pain when you bend to pick up a baby.)

During ATL Pelvic Health Pilates sessions, we guide participants through individually tailored mat exercises as well as exercises on apparatuses like the Reformer. No matter your fitness level, we will work with you through your Pilates session to gain (or regain!) more strength and control in your life. 


Led by Pilates-certified instructors, our Pilates sessions are designed to help clients reach their goals and maintain pelvic floor health. Here’s more about what you can expect from Pilates at ATL Pelvic Health…

  • Yes! Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that focuses on strengthening your hips and core while improving your posture and alignment—which are all things that are especially helpful during pregnancy or the Fourth Trimester. One big benefit of taking a Pilates session in our studio is that we individualize all of the exercises, so we will be sure to offer modifications for your comfort and health throughout pregnancy.

  • No experience is necessary! We welcome every body to participate. Our physical therapists and Pilates instructors are skilled at adapting workouts to support your needs and goals. We can also modify exercises based on any pelvic floor dysfunction, so you can get a safe, effective workout.

  • Yes—and, in fact, Pilates is a highly effective way to heal from a diastasis. As you might expect from a Pilates studio based in a pelvic floor physical therapy office, our expert instructors know how to modify exercises to ensure you are safely strengthening your core.

  • In addition to the good ol’ mat for floor exercises, our clinic has equipment that can help assist you and resist you throughout your workout. Some of the basic tools include arc barrels, foam rollers and magic circles. Our clinic also has a Pilates Reformer, which is an excellent tool for pelvic floor rehabilitation and core strengthening. This machine has a sliding surface with pulls and leveys that we can employ to isolate core muscle groups. (See it here!)

  • Yes, our Pilates sessions are open to anyone with a reservation.

  • We currently offer private Pilates sessions, so each participant gets the one-on-one attention of their instructor. We have plans to launch classes for small groups in the future.

    Want to give it a try? Reserve your Pilates session today!