What I Am Packing In My Hospital Bag as a Pelvic Floor PT

It can be overwhelming to figure out what all you should pack in your hospital bag! One of the best recommendations I got from my doula is “less is more,” especially because you end up bringing home so many things from the hospital and you don’t want to worry about keeping track of everything. Here is what I am packing in my hospital bag as a pelvic floor PT:

Products to support my bowel health:

  1. Foldable squatty potty: What is not to love about the squatty potty. I know my pelvic floor muscles will be very vulnerable after birth and I want to make the first postpartum poop as easy and pain free as possible. Propping my feet on an elevated surface will put my pelvic floor muscles in a more relaxed position to reduce straining and allow for that first bowel movement to come out more easily.

  2. Magnesium: I love using magnesium as a natural supplement to help with muscle cramping, sleep and keeping my stool soft.

  3. Pre/Probiotic: I have taken these throughout my pregnancy and I credit them for keeping me regular. I want to bring them with me to the hospital so that I can stay on top of my gut health after birth!

Products To Keep Me Comfortable

  1. Grippy Socks: These are non stick so they’ll be safe to wear around my hospital room while keeping my feet warm

  2. Fuzzy Slippers: I always love wearing slippers at home so I want these to move around the room in

  3. Shower Shoes: I don’t love walking around public bathroom floors without something on my feet. These will be used in the bathroom and shower during labor.

  4. Hospital Gown: Several people recommended a throw-away personal hospital gown to keep me comfortable during labor

  5. Eye Mask: I sleep in one every night at home so hoping this helps me get some rest after she is born.

  6. Ear Plugs: To help drown out the buzzing and noise in a hospital room. Fingers crossed to get some rest between feedings and baby snuggles!

  7. Chapstick: Can’t go anywhere without chapstick!

  8. Perineal Spray: My doula recommended keeping my Frida mom peri bottle at home and to just use the one that the hospital provides. She really recommends packing as little as possible. I did still want to bring this spray to help with soothing my perineum after birth.

  9. Snacks: We are fortunate that the hospital we are birthing at are not as strict about eating during labor. Labor is truly a marathon and we need fuel to get us to the finish line. I am packing nuts, high protein snacks and things that will be easy (and hopefully will sound appetizing to eat) during labor.

  10. E-Stim Unit: My doula provided this for me and we will be using it for pain relief during labor.

Miscellaneous Items

Other things in my bag: LMNT electrolyte powder, extension cord, speaker, phone charger with XL cord, Stanley cup.

What have I missed? Is there anything you felt was most helpful to take with you to the hospital for your birth?


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