How To Make Your Own Padsicles At Home

What Are Padsicles?

Padsicles are basically an ice pack for down there. They are super helpful to wear to help with pain, inflammation and promote faster healing after birth. There are a lot of great products, like these Instant Ice Maxi Pads by Frida Mom, but sometimes it can be nice to make your own!

A padsicle is a cold, soothing and healing pad to support your perineum after vaginal birth. To make your own postpartum pads at home, you’ll need some Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel and Lavender essential oil drops. You can make as many or as few as you want! You can never have enough. While making these at home, I was surprised at how quickly and easily they came together. Here is your step by step guide to making your own padsicles.

Step By Step Guide To Making Padsicles At Home

1. Gather your supplies: Large Maxi Pads, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel and Lavender essential oil drops

2. Partially unwrap a few pads at a time, but don’t detach the wrapper.

3. Spread aloe vera generously up and down the whole pad- not just the middle of the pad!

4. Pour about a teaspoon of witch hazel down the middle.

5. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil. I skipped this step because I didn’t have any essential oils on hand. This can definitely be optional. We’ve heard from some patients the lavender felt like a burning sensation on their perineum while others feel like it is very healing and soothing.

6. Fold the pads back up to how they were and stick them in a gallon sized plastic bag, then freeze. I always put a date on things so I can remember when I made them, pregnancy brain is real!

7. Pull them out of the freezer, one by one, as needed and let them thaw for two or three minutes before use.

Prepping these for yourself or for a friend is the greatest gift to your perineum postpartum! Let us know if you make them and what you think!


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