Our Favorite Pelvic Floor Products

Our patients always come in to see us and ask about the latest and greatest pelvic floor marketing gadget they’ve seen online. Whether its a vaginal weight, yoni egg or kegel exerciser. It is hard to know which products you can trust and will actually help you with your goals. Here are a few of our favorite products we often recommend to patients. You can find a more extensive list on our resources page HERE.

Products to support General Pelvic Floor Health

  1. Squatty Potty

    If you’ve been around for any length of time, you know we are huge fans of the squatty potty. Using a stool, yoga blocks or the squatty potty helps to elevate your knees above your pelvis so that your pelvic floor muscles are in a more relaxed position. This helps to reduce any excessive straining or pushing when having a bowel movement and keeps your pelvic floor healthy and happy!

2. Water bottle

A good water bottle or cup with a straw makes it easier to get more water in during the day. Drinking plenty of water keeps your bladder from becoming irritated and helps keep your stools soft and regular. We are big fans of either the Hydroflask or Stanley Cup to help us reach our water goals!

3. Magnesium/ Stool Softener

We recommend using Natural Calm to help keep stool soft and regular. Magnesium can also help with muscle cramping and promotes better sleep at night.

4. Vaginal Moisturizer

We like the simple use of vitamin E suppositories. Just like we lotion our body to keep it moisturized, we can moisturize our vaginal tissues to keep them hydrated. Suppositories are easy to pop in at night and let the tissues absorb the hydration while you’re sleeping.

Products to support you during pregnancy + postpartum

  1. Maternity Belly Support Bands

    As your body changes throughout pregnancy, your center of gravity also shifts. This can put a lot of pressure on your pelvis, hips and low back. Using a support belt can help alleviate a lot of these aches and pains, especially during the last few weeks of pregnancy. We like the Cabea Sport Belly Band for those who are trying to stay active, the Serola Belt for any pubic bone or SI joint pain, the Gabriella support belt for low back pain, or the V2 Supporter for any pelvic heaviness or pressure.

  2. Frida Mom Postpartum Kit

    This kit is your one stop shop for everything you may need to support your pelvic floor postpartum! It comes with an upside down Peri Bottle, disposable underwear, automatic cooling maxi pads, perineal cooling foam and perineal cooling pad liners made with witch hazel.

  3. Earth Mama Organics Perineal Spray

    Another great product used to show your perineum some love. It has cooling witch hazel and cucumber along with organic essential oils for refreshing postpartum relief both before and after vaginal delivery. This is great if you are recovering from perineal swelling, episiotomies, or hemorrhoids!

  4. Support leggings

    We love a legging that isn’t too snug but makes you feel supported during the early days of postpartum healing. The Bao Bei recovery postpartum leggings are some of our favorites!

Products to support sex or pelvic pain

  1. Water based lubricants

    One of the major causes of discomfort or pain during intercourse is vaginal dryness. Especially in postpartum, we tend to get a little dry down there. For a better experience in the bedroom, try a water based lubricant like Slippery Stuff or an aloe and water based lubricant like Maude’s Shine Lube.

  2. Pelvic wand

    Pelvic wands can help release tension and trigger points in both your superficial and deep pelvic floor muscles. This a great tool to use at home to help overactive pelvic floor muscles relax. Our favorite pelvic floor wand is one from Intimate Rose.

  3. Dilators

    Pelvic floor muscle tightness can also cause painful sex. Sometimes, your pelvic floor muscles tighten involuntarily in anticipation of an unpleasant experience. Vaginal trainers can be a great way to train your muscles to relax around an object. This allows you to train your muscles and in a gentle and progressive way so they get used to the added stretch. Again, we love the dilator set by Intimate Rose.


Top 10 Reasons to See A Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist After Birth


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